Gossip Around You

Daily reading: The next couple of days are going to bring some challenges which are being fuelled by gossip and rumours. If you let this get to you arguments will cause a lot of disruption to your day. Ride it out and don’t rise to the bait; listen to your inner wisdom and all will be well.


Repetitive Behaviour

There is a man in your life (if you are a male this relates directly to you) who is in a state of repetitive behaviour, where life seems to be in a constant cycle, going round and round, repeating behaviours, mistakes and not seeming to get anywhere. However, this cycle is soon to change and some good news will be coming that will break this repetitive cycle. This repetitive cycle has been necessary to help them revolve; they should be reassured that this journey was necessary to help them evolve and was needed in for them to learn the necessary lessons and make the changes they need in order to succeed. Stay strong these changes will help them maximise their potential in the future!

Using Lenormand Cards, Oracle Cards, Scrying with the Crystal Ball and Crystals to get a reading


Be Cautious

Today’s Lenormand reading… be cautious as there are people around you who are not necessarily telling you the whole truth. This could make you progression through the day feel quite long and full of surprises, be cautious how you move through the day as not all your options will be safe or easy. But don’t worry if you need guidance seek advice from a male you are close with; whether that will be someone you look up to, a father figure or someone who you are in a relationship with as they will help you tread the right path and offer you the support you need to get you through the day.



Daily reading… where one has felt in a place of safety and security today that will be starting to change and one will be pushed outside of their comfort zone, but don’t worry; luck is on your side and as long as one stays on track throughout the day stability and security will be restored and the situation pushing you out of your comfort zone will successfully come to an end.

#spiritual #dailyguidance#lenormand